Computer Science 1

This is my webpage for computer science 1. We
are studying C#. Its my first year of computer
science. It is difficult to learn, but what I
call hard fun.

Goodbye Project


This is a project where we had to click buttons to change the flag in the middle It also displays the words goodbye in the respective language.

About Page


This is a page of a company I made up that tells information about it. It also shows how to contact me and what it does.

Mailing Label


This is a program to make your own mailing label. You add in your information and it shows a mailing address you can usemap.

Car Rental


This is a program that lets you pick out a car to rent out. It also keeps track of the miles driven and money charged.



This is a calculator that determines your BMI and tells if your average or not. It also keeps track of the average bmi, your weight in KG, and your height in meters..

Car Rental Upgrade


This is an upgrade on the previous car rental. It now has 3 options of cars and added radio buttons for price.

Test Score


This is a program that finds the letter grade of 2 tests from a fraction. It also finds the average grade and the higher percent.

Dice Program


This is a project that randomly spins 2 dice and counts the sum. It also keeps track of the number of times a sum was rolled and the percent chance it was that it happened.

Craps Game


In this project, we learned how to use random numbers to make a lottery game



This is a program that acts as an online store for T-Shirts. It has multiple different prices, a subtotal, and added accessories.

Slot Machine


This is a program that acts as a slot machine with 5 rolls on 3 images. It has a graphic to note your point and message boxes to tell results.

Rock Paper Scissors


This is a program that acts as a 1v1 game of rock paper scissors. Each side takes turns choosing an image which represents the play they take, and when both pick the winner is chosen.

Fish 1


This project simulates an aquarium where a fish randomly moves either right or left. If the fish hits the side of the tank, it is recorded.

Fish 2


This project simulates an aquarium where a fish randomly moves either right or left. If the fish hits the side of the tank, it is recorded. We added a shark, where is the fish is eaten, the fish is dead..

Tic Tac Toe


This project simulates an aquarium where a fish randomly moves either right or left. If the fish hits the side of the tank, it is recorded.

NCAA Bowls


This project shows statistics from two college football teams that played in a bowl.



This project shows numbers from different sequences, such as factorial, sequence, odd, even, and fibonacci.

Basic AI


This project simulates an enemy tracking down your pac man character..



This project simulates a spaceship moving through space, with stars growing bigger then disappearing

Fish Aquarium


This project simulates an aquarium where a fish randomly moves either right or left up or down. If the fish hits a shark, where is the fish is eaten, the fish is dead. If it hits the fishing line, it is caught and is brought up to the boat.

Number Array


This project generates a random number and uses loops to do some really weird statistics with generating 5000 random numbers.



This project generates 50 random test scores and makes a, you guessed it, a histogram with all of the letter grades plotted.



You are a ninja, and you must destroy an enemy airplane in order to survive. But don't get hit!

My Final Tetris Project


This is my final project, my version of Tetris.